Matching the objective to the activity helps one to focus when planning on what the goal is and to make sure it does not turn into "fluff" or a lesson without a purpose. Having a known objective also helps the students know what our expectations for them during the day is.
Holding students responsible for the stations will give them a sense of ownership in the materials and also help encourage good habits in taking care of equipment. It also saves us from having to do everything!
Mangahigh will be a great site to use a station, and it is a site that our kids are already using, enjoy, and that they benefit from! Students may play games on current or review topics.
Thinkfinity has a planet size comparison interactive which will be useful while we are discussing characteristics of different planets. Students will be better able to visualize the size difference in planets.
The Motion Math app seems like it will be helpful to use as a way for kids to practice estimating fractions, something with which students tend to struggle.
Science Lab app will be useful for students to study vocabulary. It has pictures along with definitions which will benefit all students but especially the ELL kids who tend to struggle more with vocabulary.
Students may be held accountable for the station work in several ways; keeping a track sheet of games played and vocab quizzes are a couple of examples. It is vital that they are held accountable for their work at stations or they begin to think that it is only for fun and not a learning experience as well. It is wonderful when we can have fun AND learn, but sometimes when it is just a game or just for fun, they don't feel like they need to take it as seriously. When they have a purpose (objective and some accountability) they tend to take it more seriously.